4 Quality check fields
We used a number of tools to collect potentially useful quality-control (QC) measures. Specifically, we used seqtk
(Li 2020 (accessed August 18, 2020)), the idxstats
subcommand of samtools
, the output of STAR
, our own megadepth
tool, and featureCounts
. We examine each in turn, listing the specific QC measures calculated be each.
Monorail runs the seqtk fqchk
command on input FASTQ files to collect base-quality and base-composition summaries for all sequencing cycles. We distill these into a few QC measures included with every summarized run in recount3
: minimum read lengthmax_len
: maximum read lengthavg_len
: average read length#distinct_quality_values
: number of different quality scores present in the sequence run’s base qualities#bases
: total number of bases across spots (not including both read mates if paired)%A
: percent of bases that are A%C
: percent of bases that are C%G
: percent of bases that are G%T
: percent of bases that are T%N
: percent of bases that are NavgQ
: weighted average over Phred quality scores present in the sequence run, where weights are the Phred quality values themselveserrQ
: negatively scaled log of the weighted average Phred quality scores present in the sequence run, where weights are the error probabilities associated with the Phred quality scores
Monorail uses STAR
to align RNA-seq reads in a spliced fashion to a reference genome, without using any annotation. Files output by STAR
, particularly the Log.out
and Log.final.out
, report a number of measures that can be used for QC. We compile these into a number of QC measures included with every summarized run in recount3. Note that some of these measures are reported separately for the two ends of a paired-end read. We omit the second-end versions of these QC measures here for space reasons.
From the STAR
manual (version 2.7.2b):
Log.final.out: summary mapping statistics after mapping job is complete, very useful for quality control. The statistics are calculated for each read (single- or paired-end) and then summed or averaged over all reads. Note that STAR counts a paired-end read as one read, (unlike the samtools flagstat/idxstats, which count each mate separately). Most of the information is collected about the UNIQUE mappers (unlike samtools flagstat/idxstats which does not separate unique or multi-mappers). Each splicing is counted in the numbers of splices, which would correspond to summing the counts in SJ.out.tab. The mismatch/indel error rates are calculated on a per base basis, i.e. as total number of mismatches/indels in all unique mappers divided by the total number of mapped bases.
Some of the following definitions include text from the STAR
manual/source code, reprinted here for convenience. Please see the STAR
manual for more in depth information.
: Number of chimeric reads divided by number of input reads%_of_reads_mapped_to_multiple_loci
: Number of reads mapped to multiple loci divided by number of input reads%_of_reads_mapped_to_too_many_loci
: Number of reads mapped to (> 10) loci divided by number of input reads%_of_reads_unmapped:_other
: Reads are unmapped due to no acceptable seed/windows divided by number of input reads%_of_reads_unmapped:_too_many_mismatches
: Number of reads where best alignment has more mismatches than max allowed number of mismatches divided by number of input reads%_of_reads_unmapped:_too_short
: Number of reads where best alignment was shorter than min allowed mapped length divided by number of input readsall_mapped_reads
: Total number of reads alignedaverage_input_read_length
: Average length of a readaverage_mapped_length
: Average length of an alignmentdeletion_average_length
: Average length of a genomic deletion, i.e. genomic gapsdeletion_rate_per_base
: Genomic deletions per mapped baseinsertion_average_length
: Average length of a genomic insertion, i.e. read gapsinsertion_rate_per_base
: Genomics insertions per mapped basemapping_speed_million_of_reads_per_hour
: How fast it was to align this samplemismatch_rate_per_base_%
: Mismatches per mapped basenumber_of_chimeric_reads
: Total number of reads which were fragmented on aligning, e.g. fusion potential readsnumber_of_input_reads
: Total number of reads input toSTAR
: Number of reads mapped to multiple locinumber_of_reads_mapped_to_too_many_loci
: Number of reads mapped to (> 10) locinumber_of_reads_unmapped:_other
: Number of reads left unmapped due to no acceptable seed/windowsnumber_of_reads_unmapped:_too_many_mismatches
: Number of reads where best alignment has more mismatches than max allowed number of mismatchesnumber_of_reads_unmapped:_too_short
: Number of reads where best alignment was shorter than min allowed mapped lengthnumber_of_splices:_at/ac
: Number of canonical splices of AT-AC (and reverse)number_of_splices:_annotated_(sjdb)
: Number of splices found that were also in the annotation databasenumber_of_splices:_gc/ag
: Number of canonical splices of GC-AG (and reverse)number_of_splices:_gt/ag
: Number of canonical splices of GT-AG (and reverse)number_of_splices:_non-canonical
: Number of non-canonical splices, anything not GT-AG, AT-AC, GC-AG, or their reverse complementnumber_of_splices:_total
: Total number of splicesuniquely_mapped_reads_%
: Number of reads which mapped to a single locus divided by number of input readsuniquely_mapped_reads_number
: Number of reads which mapped to a single locus
Monorail runs the samtools idxstats
on the BAM file output by STAR
to collect statistics about how many reads aligned to each chromosome in the genome assembly. This can be helpful in, for instance, confirming the sex of the individual sequenced based on alignments to sex chromosomes, or measuring effectiveness of ribosomal RNA depletion by considering the fraction of reads aligned to the mitochondrial genome. We compile these into a number of QC measures included with every summarized run in recount3:
: Percent of reads aligning to the mitochondrial genome.aligned_reads%.chrx
: Percent of reads aligning to chromosome X.aligned_reads%.chry
: Precent of reads aligning to chromosome Y.
Monorail runs our megadepth
tool on the BAM files output by STAR
. The chief function is to convert BAM files to bigWig files that are then added to the recount3 archive. As megadepth
performs this conversion, it also summarizes the amount of sequencing coverage within the intervals of a provided BED file representing a gene annotation. These quantifications can be useful for quality control, tell us, for example, what fraction of the coverage is within annotated genes.
Fragment length distribution is based on a special read filter only applied for this purpose to be compatible with CSAW’s fragment counting approach (Lun and Smyth 2016), paired reads in a passing fragment must not be secondary, supplementary, have conflicting read order, be unmapped or be mapped on more than one chromosome. The bc_
prefix here refers to the previous name of the Megadepth tool 1.
: Area under coverage (total depth of coverage evaluated at all bases) for all alignmentsbc_auc.all_reads_annotated_bases
: Area under coverage for all alignments, but only for bases in annotated exonsbc_auc.unique_reads_all_bases
: Area under coverage for uniquely aligned readsbc_auc.unique_reads_annotated_bases
: Area under coverage for uniquely aligned reads, but only for bases in annotated exonsbc_auc.all_%
divided bybc_auc.all_reads_all_bases
divided bybc_auc.unique_reads_all_bases
: Total number of read fragments in BAM after filteringbc_frag.kallisto_count
: Number of read fragments (< 1000) bp in length in BAM after filteringbc_frag.kallisto_mean_length
: Mean length of read fragments (< 1000) bp in length in BAM after filteringbc_frag.mean_length
: Mean length of all read fragments in BAM after filteringbc_frag.mode_length
: Mode of the read fragment length of all fragments in BAM after filteringbc_frag.mode_length_count
: Number of read fraqments with thebc_frag.mode_length
in BAM after filtering
Finally, Monorail runs featureCounts
on the BAM files output by STAR
. This provides a second opinion
on the quantifications produced by megadepth
. While we have not yet found compelling examples where the megadepth
and featureCounts
outputs disagree, we keep summaries of the featureCounts
quantifications as potential QC measures.
divided byall_mapped_reads
divided byuniquely_mapped_reads_number
: Total number of fragments, including multi-mappers, input tofeatureCounts
: Number of fragments, including multi-mappers, assigned byfeatureCounts
to an exonexon_fc_count_unique.total
: Total number of uniquely mapping fragments input tofeatureCounts
: Number of uniquely mapping fragments assigned byfeatureCounts
to an exongene_fc.all_%
divided byall_mapped_read
s (fromSTAR
divided byuniquely_mapped_reads_number
: Total number of fragments, including multi-mappers, input tofeatureCounts
: Number of fragments, including multi-mappers, assigned byfeatureCounts
to a genegene_fc_count_unique.total
: Total number of uniquely mapping fragments input tofeatureCounts
: Number of uniquely mapping fragments assigned byfeatureCounts
to a gene
Megadepth used to be called BamCount.↩︎